Insurer Accountability Act: A Guide to the New Insurance Landscape

Insurer Accountability Act: A Guide to the New Insurance Landscape

The Insurer Accountability Act in Florida introduces comprehensive changes to insurance coverage and claims handling standards, empowering the Office of Insurance Regulation with enhanced regulatory powers. OTM Restoration is here to guide you through these pivotal changes and provide essential tips to navigate the evolving insurance landscape effectively.

Hurricane Preparedness Week: Best Techniques and Secrets with OTM Restoration

Hurricane Preparedness Week: Best Techniques and Secrets with OTM Restoration

Hurricane Preparedness Week is an essential time to take proactive steps in safeguarding yourself and your family against the potential dangers of hurricanes. By staying informed, creating an emergency plan, assembling an essential kit, securing your home, and helping others in need, you can enhance your readiness and resilience in the face of these powerful storms. Take action now and be prepared for whatever the hurricane season may bring.